How many springs on a strat
For stability but needing a heavy hand add springs, reduce tension, and vice -versa. I prefer 3 springs in strats because it gives the trem bar a medium resistance. Two springs feels too light to push down and is way to hard for my taste. Dana Olsen Platinum Supporting Member. Messages 7, I like to float the bridge, and I always felt like the bridge was moving a little bit every time I picked a note, which made the whole instrument feel a little bit unstable to me.
My right hand felt like I was picking on a slightly moving target, messed up my picking. I put 5 Raw Vintage springs on a Strat, bumped from 9. It also detuned less when playing double stops, but I always rest my palm on the bridge when playing double stops on a Strat anyway, to helped adjust when playing, among other shapes, double stops GRIN. But with 5 springs, my palm pushing on the bridge has to be more 'willful and intentional' on my part - I prefer that too.
Two cents worth from me, hope this helps, thanks, Dana O. Messages 39, Messages 1, They have less tension like the '60's springs Fender used, so you can use 5 without a problem. These springs also add overtones, sustain and "natural reverb" to the Strat while giving it a more vintage feel when playing. Guitarnotsoguru said:. Very good info! I have been using no more than 3 springs and all of my tremolos float.
I have tried 4 springs in the past and the action seemed very stiff to me overall. I have accumulated a bunch of springs and i thought about attempting to assess how soft or stiff they are somehow.
John Coloccia Cold Supporting Member. Start new topic. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Recommended Posts. Posted November 2, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options I just use the stock spring setup but also use on my strat. A really versatile guage IMO. Chaos Posted November 2, My guitar is setup as your's I enjoy the light touch of the tremolo,like the warbling effect you talk about.
Nice guitar and amp btw. J Bone Posted November 2, CompleteGuitard Posted November 2, I could probably find the trem arm if I really looked for it! EvanS Posted November 2, Faber Posted November 2, Mow Posted November 2, Resonates like a bastard..
Way back when I had a Kramer superstrat, I wanted to add springs. The short visit to a music store didn't cost me much. Feb 19, Age: 64 Posts: 5, I bought a new American '50s something or other strat about 6 months ago. Came with 3 springs installed, no extras but did come with a cool little baby ashtray cover for the bridge.
Now this thread has me thinking I currently use 3 springs to float, but I think I will fool around tomorrow and do a 2 spring set-up.
Just for grins. Posts: 9, I built a Blackie out of Fender parts and found that more than 3 springs was too tight to use the tremelo easily and without so much pressure that you end up throwing the guitar out of tune. Feb 20, Posts: 1, I almost never hear people mention this in relation to the function of trem springs, but Leo Fender claimed that part of their function is to protect and divert RF radio fequency interference from entering the pickups from behind.
I presume it must be to a degree. I always use all 5 springs for this reason and lower the tension at the claw. Age: 68 Posts: 2, Age: 68 Messages: 3, Three for the win.
Perfect in all my Strats strung up with 9's. Age: 66 Messages: Messages: 2, Ruscio , Feb 6, Age: 46 Messages: Natural verby hardtail. Does it come through the amp?
No, but yes. Mute it and something's missing. You can hear it when it's not there. Know whatda mean? Tuner Sandwich , Feb 6, Age: 73 Messages: 9, Two springs, one tremsetter, no waiting.