What is the average vocal range for a male
Classification of Human Voices. Search for:. Listen: Vocal Anatomy and Types. Vocal Ranges. Licenses and Attributions. CC licensed content, Shared previously. However more males are around the 1. The vocal range of natural male tenors is also different they tend to hover around A2-C5, their falsetto range can also vary a lot more than in the case of baritones.
Man and women are extremely different from a biological stand of point, females tend to have more estrogen and males have more testosterone. Generally speaking, the more estrogen a person has the less testosterone it has, this is the same case for testosterone as well.
Trought our evolution man had to be intimidating, and testosterone achieves this, the more testosterone a male has the bigger his muscles are, they tend to be more aggressive and their vocal range is also a lot lower. If you need more information about a vocal range, then check out my recent article How to sing better Top 47 Tips and Industry Secrets. If you have ever been to a gym you have probably seen a lot of buff guys, but there is always at least one buff guy with a squeaky feminine voice.
Hearing a buff guy with a feminine voice might sound unnatural, which it is, and the main reason for it is either due to a pre-existing condition or he has been juicing with testosterone. This, in turn, will lead to quick muscle mass loss, and in a high pitched voice, although they can always build their muscles back, not all of them can recover their vocal range.
When it comes to male vocal ranges most people often ignore which is the tessitura , simply put tessitura is the vocal range at which the male singer can sing comfortably. Singing comfortably means that you pronounce the words correctly, do not mumble, and have a pleasant voice. When taking into consideration the tessitura the average male vocal type tends to go towards baritone, even if they are not actually baritone.
Simply put, vocal range is the extent to which a singer can go between the highest and lowest notes. Actually, music is not as complicated as some people might think it is.
The average vocal range for a man lies mostly between 1. A point that you should note here, though, is that most untrained male singers will fall into this category.
For males who have been practicing or have been doing music for quite some time, they can have a vocal range of around 1. In fact, in some cases, the vocal range can even go higher. Generally, as you already know, practice makes perfect. So, if a male singer is determined to increase his vocal range, it can significantly improve, with time. Normally, there are three male voices including: Tenor, Baritone, and Bass.
The tenor voice is the highest in the male category. That also means that the vocal range of a tenor voice is the highest among the male voices. A man with the tenor voice can have a vocal range of around 1.
Baritone is the male middle voice. This range starts with the chest voice and shifts to head voice at the top of the range.
By head voice I do not mean falsetto. Shifting to falsetto would probably add an additional two to three notes. Most males who consider themselves "singers" have a range on the high end of average to above average. All singers have a point where they must shift from their lower register to their upper register not falsetto as they sing higher. Well trained singers can make this transition come across very smoothly to the listener.
Untrained singers may have an abrupt shift in tonal character when the switch registers. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Statistical Average range for a Male singer Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. Active 6 years, 3 months ago.