What is the difference between embedded sql and dynamic sql
In Dynamic SQL, how database will be accessed is determined at run time. It is more swift and efficient. It is less swift and efficient. SQL statements are compiled at compile time. SQL statements are compiled at run time. Admin AfterAcademy 19 Jan What is an embedded and dynamic SQL?
Share this blog and spread the knowledge. Share On Facebook. Share On Twitter. Share On LinkedIn. Share On Telegram. Dynamic SQL is generally used for sending SQL statements to the database manager from interactive query building graphical user interfaces and SQL command line processors as well as from applications where the complete structure of queries is not known at application compilation time and the programming API supports dynamic SQL.
They are then sent to the database management system for processing. However, when a program containing dynamic SQL statements is compiled, the dynamic SQL statements are not stripped from the program, as in Static SQL, instead, they are replaced by a function call that passes the statement to the database management system DNMS.
Unless you are shifting a paradigm, i. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 10 years, 2 months ago. Active 9 years ago. Viewed 3k times. I have done some database work myself on mysql where I use dynamic sql. Improve this question.
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