What kind of apocalypse survivor are you

Take what you can and bug out. It's not worth your life. Week 6: a neighbor is found stealing food. What's your vote? Banish him from the community. Give him another chance. Support the community leader's decision. What's your current level of fitness? Diseased and weak. Excellent shape. Moderately fit. Right now, how long could you feed your family with the food currently in your home?

A week or two. A few days. How are your people skills? I can sell Popsicles to an Eskimo. I smell and no one likes me. Forget them, my life is more important 4 There is little food left. You decide to Split it equally Eat it all for laughs Kill Everyone, they are only slowing you down. Split it equally Eat it all for laughs Kill everyone, they are only slowing you down 6 You come across metal scraps and electronic parts.

What do you do with them? Make a high defense home base Make a funny sculpture Make a super weapon Store them safely until needed 7 You find a long distance radio. You dial Pick the criteria that you think is the most important:. Be fortified high chance of zombies, so better ammo up and get ready for a battle.

Be able to hold only a few less people, less materials needed to stock up. Top priority in setting up a strong hold is too… All of these are steps that are important, but choose the very first step you would take. Follow up questions will come: Elect a leader, every group needs one Fortify, every strong hold needs to be fortified Gather resources, same as fortify but with other essentials. Which essential is more important? Second step in setting up a strong hold is too… Same as previous question only now we're looking at the follow up from the first step:.

If in a group and we have to pick a leader, I choose by whoever is… Leaders are important for any group. Pick the criteria to determine the best type of leader for a post zombie apocalypse. Whoever is taking charge at the moment and seems to be keeping it straight.

You and a buddy are out getting supplies for the group. Zombies caught wind of you and have you surrounded. There is an escape out but you're too far from any mode of transportation and carrying all the equipment will slow you down, but they are vital and needed for the groups survival.

Here's a little clarification just in case you're having a hard time: Dropping the equipment will save both but the group will suffer unless equipment can be retrieved later Sacrafice your friend, well you know what kind of person does that but it'll save you and the group Sacrafice yourself and you know what happens, the end.

But your group will survive Both make a break for it, might work or maybe you both die and the group suffers Shoot your way out, just as risky as making a break for it but you have a fighting chance.

Sacrafice yourself for the group and let your buddy make a break for it. Your group leader is bitten. He has been a great leader, trustworthy, fair but firm and so far has led you all to safety putting the groups interests before his.

It's obvious he has to be shot in the head. How do you determine who shoots him? To help clarify each decision: Volunteer yourself means you're stepping up to the plate but your actions does have unforseen consequences Vote on a new leader, every leader knows the responsibility that comes with the job Draw straws is fair and democratic Don't kill him, most likely the only way for everyone to not have to get their hands dirty Become a canidate for being a leader and you'll have the responsibility, so why not just volunteer in the first place?

Become a canidate for being the leader and take that responsibility if elected. Explaination of each choice, choose which you think is the best option: Tactical move toward the survivor only works if you have combat training and even then, get spot and you've created a hazard Create a distraction is creating a hazard and awareness for the zombies but can save the stranded survivor Be part of the distraction and you've created awareness for the zombies with you as bait Coming up with a plan with your friends requires a group who know what they are doing as a group Do nothing and wait for an opportunity endangers the survivors life but the group is safe until they make an action.

Come up with a plan to use your resources and friends to help the survivor. Do nothing, wait for an opportunity to arise then take advantage of it. It's obvious your group leader is not looking out for the best interest of the group. He is being selfish, aggressive and very authoritative.

It seems he became a leader out of ego rather than being the best man for the job. You have been second in command and now have to make a decision, what do you do? This is a tricky one, here are the results to each choice. Pick the one that you think is the best option: If the leader is a danger to the group, then the group is more dangerous to be in.

Leaving may be your only option Convincing the others to leave the group can create animosity amongst the group but might make the group pull together against the leader Tough it out can give you more time to find a solution Voting for a new leader, especially one that is authoritative won't happen without a fight Using reasoning only works if the other person can be reasoned with and usually means to be aggressive yourself.

Use reasoning and others to convince the leader to step up for the group or step down. The group leader and his second in command are disagreeing about which direction they want to take the group. A vote has been declared but other members of the group are siding with the leader no matter what the outcome of the vote is.

Which side to you take? Someone spots a vessel on the horizon. Calm everyone and suggest passengers could be looking for safe haven. Offer the canoe you made to anyone willing to make initial contact offshore. You: A. Rush to the nearest grocery store and take whatever you can. Gather your neighbors and recommend pooling resources. Sit on your couch and cry. Farming and collecting limu. Overseeing storage and fielding any complaints. Fitting with that hottie who saved you from the drone attack.


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