Who is katara boyfriend

Mai and Zuko occasionally demonstrated their affection toward one another. When Aang revealed to everyone that he was the Avatar, a soldier sneered at Aang, as the Avatar would have to be an airbender and all airbenders were killed a long time ago. Katara pushes the soldier away, telling him to leave Aang alone.

Aang promptly used his airbending to counter an attack on Katara. Katara believed Appa was capable of flight from the beginning. Katara was led by Princess Yue together with Aang and Sokka to find the most spiritual place in the city so that Aang can communicate with the spirits.

She and her brother Sokka found an airbender named Aang who later is revealed as the Avatar. She and Sokka accompany him on his journey to master the remaining three elements: water, earth, and fire. So, while Katara and Aang were very young when they met, they did love each other a lot at least on a friendship level.

For Aang, he had a crush quickly, and Katara did seem to develop these feelings back later on. The main reason they make sense together is just that they loved each other a lot. And, while they might get a lot of focus in the series and in Legend of Korra, fans are still rather divided in support of this relationship.

At the beginning of the series, Katara was a waterbending novice, barely capable of maintaining a feeble orb of water in midair.

Katar and Zuko are both more conventionally attractive and were a little older which made it easier to imagine them dating. Many fans could see the potential chemistry between these two.

This might be the most obvious reason why these two should be together. Of course, canon is one thing and fans of the series will ship who they want regardless, which is a great thing, too. But, the fact that these two end up together in the series is worth noting. One of the great things about Avatar: The Last Airbender is how the female characters are all diverse with unique stories.

They are capable and have distinct personalities. This seems more apparent in The Legend of Korra where we rarely even hear much about Katara in adulthood and hear a lot more about Aang and his accomplishments. When it comes to romance, having a deep, abiding love for one another is the key element.

While a good relationship takes more than just love, the fact is that these two loved and cared for each other.

Their love for each other is apparent throughout the series. Of course, this is interesting and realistic as no family is perfect. It does seem, however, that Aang grew up to be someone less optimistic and giving than he seemed as a child.

He seemed to favor Tenzin, and it seems like there was almost a bit of a gendered dynamic in the family. This point is similar to the fact that these two are canon. Aang was sure of himself: he loved Katara. However, she struggled with her emotions and thus wasn't sure how she really felt about him. She had feelings for him, but he was about to go into a battle they didn't know if he was ready for it. It was hard to accept her romantic feelings for someone who she might lose the next day.

It wasn't until after Fire Lord Ozai was defeated and Aang returned to her that she realized that she did love him. When Avatar: The Last Airbender ended, the creators commissioned a few graphic novels to wrap up a few loose ends. These novels included the mystery of Zuko's mother and the aftermath of Fire Nation occupation. In both, Aang and Katara were finally an official couple, with pet names and all.

In fact, the two had quickly taken to calling each other "sweetie. Some fans and characters weren't too happy about this, however. Sokka, in particular, said that this kind of affection gave him "the oogies. When Aang got trapped in the iceberg, he put the Avatar Cycle in jeopardy. After all, if he stayed in that ice forever, the Avatar Cycle would have ended with him, since he had to pass away before a new Avatar could be born. The world would have lost all of that knowledge, power, and the deep connection to the spirit world.

Katara was the one who broke him out of the ice and, in turn, saved the Avatar Cycle. Though her waterbending powers were new and scary to her at the time, she saved the world by setting him free. Without him, it would have been harder, if not impossible, to bring the nations together and stop the Fire Nation takeover.

They struggled with what mixed heritage would mean for their children, and what it would mean for Aang's last airbender status. After all, if he had no airbending children, that form of bending would disappear with him.

However, the two decided to stay together anyway. Lucky for them, their third child, Tenzin, was an airbender and could therefore pass on the genes. He became a master, leader, and father of his own airbending brood and preserved the rare bending style.

When the Harmonic Convergence happened in Legend of Korra , new airbenders thankfully had a great master to teach them. Since Katara and Aang were very young when they started falling in love with one another, they were understandably immature. Because of this, they would easily become jealous. Aang was extremely jealous of her time spent with Jet and even Zuko.

Out of the pair, he was the most actively jealous one. However, Katara also had her moments. Katara was envious of On Ji when Aang taught her how to dance. She was also jealous when an airbending fan club dedicated to Aang was formed. Young love can be volatile, and jealousy can be ugly, but at least the pair seemed to grow out of it.

After all, they were only young pre-teens when they first got together. While waterbending may seem like it's one of the most peaceful forms of bending, it has its darker side.

One form of waterbending is bloodbending, which is the art of using the water in a person's veins to control them. Initially, Katara was thrilled to meet a powerful waterbender named Hama in the Fire Nation. However, the more she learned, the darker things became. Eventually, the group learned that Hama used her bloodbending to hurt innocent Fire Nation civilians. Though Katara can use the power, she did not pass it along to Aang. As far as fans know, she kept the dark, manipulative technique to herself.

After all, every time she watched people use it, all it caused was pain. When it came to their kids, Aang and Katara gave them names that meant a lot to them. Their first son was named after Aang's childhood best friend and Earth King, Bumi.

They named their daughter Kya, after Katara's lost mother. After that, they named their last son Tenzin. While there was no specific character who shared the same name, Monk Gyatso was named after a real, famous monk, and that real monk's first name was Tenzin.

For such high-profile children, Aang and Katara certainly gave their kids names with significant legacies. Each child surpassed those expectations and more, as they all became great leaders and masters, sharing their parents legacy with the world. Because of his young age and his inexperience, Aang struggled with going in and out of the Avatar State.

He even found the Avatar State hard to control at times. The inner strength she had developed in the absence of parental figures aided her in keeping Aang and their friends together through their most difficult experiences. With the absence of a mother figure in the family, Katara soon found herself filling the role left behind by Kya. Katara began to take on many of the domestic responsibilities expected of women of the Southern Water Tribe, despite her young age.

Katara and Sokka were left in the care of their grandmother, Kanna. Though Kanna loved the two and cared deeply for them, Katara was left feeling traumatized and alone. Katara, who listened to her grandmother's stories regarding the Avatar , believed that he would one day return to save the world.

When Aang was released from the iceberg by Katara, she developed an immediate attachment to the young Airbender, believing him to be special. Being that she was his closest friend, Katara offered Aang emotional support throughout their travels.

However, she was the first to embrace Aang in a hug when he was found lying on the shores of Crescent Island. With her denial of her true feelings for him being a way to spare her the pain of what might come. Despite her inner turmoil at that point, she still had strong faith that he would prevail over Ozai as expressed in her statement, "Aang won't lose. He's going to come back.


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