Why do open doors bother me

I used to hate doors when I was younger. I experienced a trauma, also related to a home invasion, that would eventually lead me to feel the need to check the locks at least three times before opening or closing a door. It took a surprising amount of effort to teach myself how to let go of the simple things.

What has really helped me is knowing that my dog will sense any potential danger and will act accordingly so. I still like to keep all doors closed though.

I am always reminding myself that, "I am still fine, and the world is still spinning. Joined Jul 7, Messages Reaction score I leave my door open when I'm not concerned about my Like playing videogames or just surfing the web, but when I want to be left alone I close my door and every other doors shut. Is a habit. Joined Jul 29, Messages 19 Reaction score 1. I have something similar I have a tic that I have to check doors three times to make sure they are locked when I leave and before I go to bed.

I have had this problem ever since I was very little, and do not remember what started it. I just remember that we had a huge bar that went across the whole door that we put up to lock the door at night and I would not go to bed without it being locked even if not everyone was home, and then I would literally get up several times a night and tug on the bar three times to make sure it was not falling off.

Know I don't wake up in the middle of the night to pull on door though thank goodness. Joined Jul 18, Messages Reaction score Nope, no door quirks for me.

The only quirk that I have is when I'm about to go out, and I tend to double or triple check if the doorknob is locked. I only get bothered if the door is open and my cat might get out of the house without my knowledge. I know he will return if he gets out, but I prefer to see him jumping out of the window or letting him out via the door to be sure that he is indeed out. Joined Aug 3, Messages 24 Reaction score 6. I have a thing with doors and windows.

They have to be "exactly right" to not let in too much or too little air and light. I am lucky to have a partner who understands this quirk of mine. He makes a lot of jokes about it, which actually make me laugh and help me see things in a more relaxed way. But the best is that he never interferes with my "organization". If he accidentally bumps into the door, he adjusts it to the way I originally arranged it, as he knows that I will get up at any hour of the night to put it back the way I want it.

I do this automatically without getting annoyed with him. It's just the way I need it to feel safe and to sleep without any interruptions. Joel Junior Member. Joined Aug 6, Messages 46 Reaction score 6. I sort of have something similar. I hate doors being left half open. They should be, in my opinion, either left wide open against a magnetic door stopper , or completely closed. It's also partly due to fear of intruders, but I'm just overthinking it. Try installing some automatic door closers.

When a door is not attached to a metal door stopper, it would normally be left half open. This cheap little device simply completely shuts the door on its own. You may have seen such devices used in supermarkets, cinemas or one-way doors.

I suggest you check it out! It has worked great for me! Sue Junior Member. Joined Jul 8, Messages Reaction score I have to double check and even triple check to make sure I locked the door. So when I was in bed at night, the light from the attic would shine around the little door and I was always watching just knowing that I was about to see shadows of movement behind it. I have similar fears. I have had a fear of closed doors ever since I had a repeated dream where I would think I have woken up in the night to go to the toilet.

In this dream, when I touch the door handle, I get electrocuted and die. In many dreams since, there have been doors that I have been terrified of because when I go through them I never come back. Is this entamaphobia? Can someone help? Since i was kid im getting scared if the shop or shopping mall starts to close. Like the sound of shutter door closing. And when i start to see the seller cleaning like they want to close their shop. What is this? As im getting older I can control the fear but i still feel a little afraid deep inside.

My blood pressure start to rise when i find the door is closed from outside, im afraid of suffocation and can never stay inside a room when the door is locked from outside. I have a small phobia of doors. I have to sleep in a bed near a window, never by the door.

It feels like somebody could walk through and hurt me. My husband has to sleep by the door and i feel more secure because i know he would not let anybody hurt me.

I know why I have it. Apparently, yes, there is! It all started when I was a child and I had really bad vertigo. And here I am, about 20 years later, putting door jambs on every single door or closing them all.

I hear the slamming in my head and I feel sick. I also feel sick when I hear a door almost shut or see a slightly ajar door, or a door that is open to the furthest point as I feel the slam would be the loudest.

New research from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, has suggested that such a fear of losing control can result in recurrent checking behavior. This, say the researchers, may be at the core of many anxiety disorders, including OCD.

The scientists hope that the new findings allow them to find better ways of treating OCD and other anxiety disorders at their core. The participants were instructed to use various key combinations to control the images, and press the space bar to confirm their command. What the team found most surprising was that none of the study participants identified as having OCD. This, the scientists think, is an indication that a fear of losing control stands at the core of many anxiety disorder symptoms.

Knowing that at the bottom of excessive checking behavior lies the worry of losing control over the situation may pave the way to more appropriate cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of a range of anxiety disorders, the researchers say. Anxiety and related mental health conditions can cause ear ringing or tinnitus, and tinnitus can exacerbate existing anxiety.

Learn more about the…. Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder that causes an inability to speak in certain situations. Learn more about the causes and treatment.


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