Why shut down astrid
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Specifically, Al-Hajjar references the big kahuna of recently announced shutdowns: Google Reader, which resulted in Feedly picking up , new users in two days, and other RSS services like NewsBlur seeing massive growth as well. This means, most likely, that task-management acquisition Astrid will be shut down as well and that its four million users will need to find another place to manage their time. Which, if it proceeds as currently indicated, means that Marissa Mayer will be 7-for-7 on acquisition shutdowns.
Filed under: Business, Deals, Entrepreneur. Venture Beat Deals Updated. Here are some other alternatives:. Relax and be free from anxiety Take back good sleep and help alleviate pain. If you have an alternative we haven't mentioned, share it in the discussions. For more tips, check out our guide on moving on when a service you love shuts down. Granted, Astrid hasn't officially said they're shutting down, so there's hope yet, but it doesn't look good.
Hopefully these alternatives will help you get back up and running quickly if or when they do.