Which ladybugs are good luck

Many people find inspiration from the butterfly and its ability to undergo extreme change. Despite the good luck offered by these insects, many others simply wreak havoc on your home. For information about the Taexx system, termite control and other ideas regarding pest control for the home, please visit our website, pestdefense. We also invite you to join us on Facebook , Twitter , and YouTube for additional information.

Start protecting your home today. Enter your zip code to find the HomeTeam location servicing your area. After the farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary to protect their crops, ladybugs supposedly appeared to defend the crops. The farmers called the bugs "Beetles of Our Lady," which evolved into "ladybugs" -- hence a reference to the Virgin Mary. Debra Levy has been writing for more than 30 years. She has had fiction and nonfiction published in various literary journals.

Levy holds an M. By using the site, you agree to the uses of cookies and other technology as outlined in our Policy, and to our Terms of Use. Some say that the redder the ladybug, the better your luck will be. There are even folk tales that say when a ladybug comes to call, true love will follow soon after. So it seems a ladybug landing is quite lucky indeed!

In turn, superstition states that killing a ladybug will curse you with bad luck. If you've ever had such an invasion, you know that it's very prolific and seems never-ending. You should set out traps specially designed for Asian Beetles and remove them from your home.

It's important to find out how the insects are gaining access into your home and take steps to seal up any entry points. Feng shui principles are very specific about excess in any form whether it is a natural element like water, fire, metal, earth, fire or unwanted insects.

Anything that invades your space is considered clutter. Allowing insect pests to take up residence will upset the balance of the chi energy in your home. It's the same thing as accumulated dust, stacked papers, cluttered drawers, dirty dishes in the sink and any number of other types of clutter. Some ways you can incorporate ladybugs into your feng shui design include adding the symbol to a specific sector of your home.

Remember, the symbolism of the ladybug is one of protecting vegetables from harm. Consider this trait when deciding where to place your ladybug symbol. Perhaps you want added protection in your wealth sector, or maybe you'd like to place the symbolic ladybug in your health sector. It's always best when adding any feng shui element to make sure it belongs and makes sense to place it in your home.

If your home is a formal style, then you don't want to just toss a ladybug pillow onto your Louis IV settee. This will not only look out of place, but will have the opposite effect. Feng shui principles dictate that all things in your home should work together in harmony to create balance and keep the chi energy flowing. It's important to think through your design process before adding any feng shui designs or elements.


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