Can you bait moose

Leave these out year round. There is a similar question with some suggestions on the moose attractant suggestion page. Click here to add your own comments. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. Simply click here to return to Ask An Expert. Look no further! Our moose hunting tips book is written with not just the novice in mind, there are tips in the book that even the most seasoned moose hunter will find of value.

The book includes 57 chapters, with more than pages of information, jam packed with tips, techniques and discussions - The Ultimate Guide to Moose Hunting! The Ultimate Guide to Moose Hunting. Good morning M ark, I want to thank you again for your outstanding service. As luck would have it, when I arrived home after work yesterday the moose call was in my mail box. It figures when the Postal Circus is involved. Manya from Tampa Bay said: My sister-in-law came down with a box of goodies from Alaska.

One was a moose steak. I have thought about cooking it but didn't know how. I looked on your site. Thank you so much for having such wonderful ways to fix moose. Laurie wrote to us: "I just wanted to let you know how much I love your site and how much I appreciate all the help you give everyone. I have learned so much from this site. It is my go to guide for moose hunting.

Yearling bulls are more likely to still be frequenting summer areas than more mature bulls, which start their fall movements earlier. Another great scouting period is after the fall hunting season. Bull moose tend to stay near rutting areas for a month or two following the rut.

Once you locate a fall concentration area, hunt there the next year as late in the legal season as possible. Major migration routes also provide good moose hunting if your timing is right. Rivers, creeks and low mountain passes are often used by moose shifting seasonal ranges. No matter where you are scouting, keep alert for rubbed trees. Bull moose begin rubbing in early September to clean velvet off their antlers. Later in September they continue thrashing trees as a display of dominance.

Such sign, even from the previous fall, indicates that bull moose use an area during the fall hunting season. Droppings are another sign of fall range use.

In summer they resemble cow patties—in winter, pellets. In fall, droppings appear as partially loose patties and partially pelletized. This reflects the seasonal change in diet from leafy to woody forage. Moose have good senses of smell, hearing and eyesight to help protect them against their natural predators—humans, wolves and bears. To avoid detection by moose, paying close attention to wind direction is, perhaps, of greatest importance.

Doing the latter carries your scent ahead of you toward your quarry. Jeans can be quite noisy. When glassing for moose, avoid sitting on skylines or out in open areas.

Sit below skylines and near stumps or trees to break your outline. Moose can see and react to you from at least as far away as a quarter mile. No matter what technique you choose, hunt very early and very late in the day; this is when bull moose are most active.

Eat breakfast before sunup and dinner after sundown and maximize your hunting during prime times. Look for movement, dark shapes or white spots in your field of view. Seldom will you have a clear view of a whole moose. Most often you will just see a head, antler flash, or a part of a moose's body amid thick vegetation.

Listen carefully early and late in the day for antler clashes, mating grunts or breaking branches which should alert you to the presence of a bull.

Use a high quality pair of binoculars and a spotting scope on a tripod. See the page on spotting Alaskan game for more information. Don't scan a view by moving your binoculars. Pick a spot, hold your glasses steady and look for movement or anything unusual. Then move your glasses to a new area and concentrate on it.

Hunters have complained of the warm weather conditions this year. Thinking that this may have played a huge part in an unusual season. What's your take? Should they be made again for next years season? We don't hunt moose because we don't eat it. Any ideas on what could make this product better? On two occasions we did watch a bull lead a cow directly past the places we had ours hung. I had two bulls walk very close to the bait ball and paid no attention as they were intent on another liquid product that I had put out 50 yards further I brought three bulls in very close with that product.

Or is it a secret and you were just trying to bait someone into asking you what it was? If so you got my attention. I don't remember the brand name but it was in a small brown bottle with spray pump and was called cow moose pee I must have bought it in Fairbanks I got videos of three bulls as close as 50 feet We had several bottles that we sprayed on cloth in bushes below our calling location Now is a good tme to get out and test it AK Archer.


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